The Liar’s Throne


(Lyrics – M. Novak, M. Sass,    Music M. Novak)


Weaving lies through the fabric of truth

Who is it that sits on the Liar’s Throne?

Religion, power and money offer no proof

The three headed beast is never made to atone.

The destruction they bring affects us all

What would happen if the house of lies falls?


The puzzled voice of the masses

In desperation grasp at any old straw

The Liar’s Thrones say they got the answers

Hope lies and hate for all

We once were growing together

Now we’re growing apart

Can you guess who’s caused this change of heart?




The Liar’s Throne  –  Infested by the many elite

The Liar’s Throne  –  Their message is not discrete

The Liar’s Throne  –  They have no reason to fear of defeat

The Liar’s Throne  –  Trumps all good people’s need to believe


These Liar’s Thrones must be destroyed

People must rise up against these cheats

Their Lies and powers must be made void

Make the Liars give up their golden seats

Is bringing down the thrown just too much to ask

Who’s got the guts to show who wears the Liar’s Mask








The Liar’s Throne  –  It’s infected by the rich and elite

The Liar’s Throne  –  Their message is not discrete

The Liar’s Throne  –  They never have any fear of defeat

The Liar’s Throne  –  Trumps all good people’s need to believe



It's all about the music