Steam Revisited

(Lyrics – M. Novak, C. Webster  Music – M. Novak)


The temperature is falling as fast as the ball

The new years dawning new hope for all

Being part of the crowd but each still alone

Dressed for the arctic only eyes are shone

A glance to the side, those eyes are recognized

With the memory of the night, the steam starts to rise.


As they both reach across to expose each other’s face

The steam starts to rise and their hearts start to race

With an impassioned embrace and the steam from their kiss

They now realize their old passions exist

Each feeling they would never meet again

But life’s serendipity proves that they can



Tangled in between the sheets as their hearts skip a beat

The steam is rising

Releasing their steam as they turn up the heat

The steam is rising

Again lost in the moment no one around

The steam is rising

Each thinking the other would never be found.


They pushed through the crowd a room is required

All rooms are taken there’s none to be acquired

Leaving the lobby a laundry door is ajar

Piles of sheets are inviting clothes flung afar

Embracing as one they remember the feeling

The steam is rising, their passions are reeling




The world they created now shattered by light

They’ve got to get dressed and go back into the night

With their second encounter as good as the first

Thanking each other quenching their thirst

They might meet again who knows what life might be

As the steam again builds they’ll have to wait and see.





It's all about the music